Rigveda: Book 05, Hymn 05, Mantra 02 (Sanskrit + English)


The Rigveda (Sanskrit: ऋग्वेदः, ṛc "praise" and veda "knowledge") is an ancient Indian collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns. It is one of the four sacred canonical texts (śruti) of Hinduism known as the Vedas.The Rigveda Samhita is the core text, and is a collection of 10 books (maṇḍalas) with 1,028 hymns (sūktas) in about 10,600 verses. As we know that Rig Veda book was written in Vedic Sanskrit language, that is why first of all we quote verse/shloka in Original Sanskrit and then translated it into English.

Here at bawatonishah.blogspot.com we will present to you a prediction about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Rigveda: Book No. 05, Hymn 05, Mantra 02.

narāśaṃsaḥ suṣūdatīmaṃ yajñam adābhyaḥ |
kavir hi madhuhastyaḥ ||

Commentator:  Dharmdev Vidyamartandya
Bhavarth: 0 men ! a man of genius who is free from deceit, is sweet handed (in dealings) and admired by all men. He showers nectar in this Yajna (in the form of the diffusion of knowledge), He enjoys much happiness thereby. 

Download Rigveda English & Roman Sanskrit Pdf. for to confirm the reference.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in 4 Vedas  

RIGVEDA                  : Coming Soon                               
SAMVEDA                : Coming Soon

YAJURVEDA             : Coming Soon
ATHARVAVEDA        : Coming Soon

All these References are confirmed by Syed Faqeer Haider himself. If you have any questions or would like to know about any other topic, please let us know in the comment section below or Email us at bawatonishah@gmail.com
JazākAllāh thank you so much for visiting bawatonishah.blogspot.com 
Allah Rabulizzat Aap Ko Hamesha Khush Rakhy Ameen 🙏

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