Yajurveda: Chapter (adhyay) 21, Verse (mantra) 31 ( Urdu-Hindi-English-Sanskrit )


The Yajurveda (yajus meaning "worship", and veda meaning "knowledge") is the Veda primarily of prose mantras for worship rituals. Yajurveda is one of the four Vedas, and one of the scriptures (religious book) of Hinduism. The exact century of Yajurveda's composition is unknown, and estimated by Witzel to be between 1200 to 800 BCE, contemporaneous with Samaveda and Atharvaveda. The Atharvaveda is composed in Vedic Sanskrit language, and it is a collection of 40 chapters (adhyayas) with about 1,975 verses (mantras).

There are many prophecies about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the hindu religious book Yajurveda, one of them is mentioned in Yajurveda: Chapter (adhyay) 21, Verse (mantra) 31.

    Mantra No.31  

Mantra in Devnagari ( मंत्र देवनागरी ):
होता यक्षन्नराशंसं न नग्रहु पर्तिं कु जात सरस्वती भिषग्रथों नचन्द्रयश्चिनोर्वपा इन्द्रस्प वीर्य बदरैरुपवाकाभिर्भेषज॑ तोक्ममभि: पय: सोम:परिसुता घृत॑ मधु व्यन्वाज्यस्य जञतर्यज ॥॥

Mantra in Roman/Latin Sanskrit:
hotā yakṣannarāśaṃsaṃ na nagrahu partiṃ ku jāta sarasvatī bhiṣagrathoṃ nacandrayaścinorvapā indraspa vīrya badarairupavākābhirbheṣaja̍ tokmamabhi: paya: soma:parisutā ghṛta̍ madhu vyanvājyasya jañataryaja ||||

Commentator: Devichand
Bhavarth: Just as a Hota worships the Lord who sends to jail the wicked persons and is praised by the subjects, uses medicine with water, solidifies the force of the warriors of a general, who rends asunder the ignoble foes, or just as a preacher is a mental healer, or a speech full of knowledge acts like a physician, or just as a conveyance helps us in reaching our destination, so does a wealthy person help us for success in life. Just as the strength of a foe-killing king, manages the air flights between the earth and heaven, or just as an intelligent person uses well received moral instructions as medicine like the jujube fruit, so shouldst a sacrificer along with children, offer butter oblations, full of milk, well pressed juice of medicines, ghee and honey.

Urdu Translator:  Syed Faqeer Haider
(coming soon) 
Hindi Translation:  Pdarth Anvay Bhasha
है (होतः] हृवनकर्त्ता जन! जैसे (होता) देने वाला (नराशंसम्‌) जो मनुष्यों से स्तुति किया जाये उसके (न) समान (नम्नहम्‌) नग्न दुष्ट पुरुषों को कारागृह में डालने वाले (पतिम्‌) स्वामी वा (सुरया) जल के साथ (भेषजम्‌) औषध को वा (इन्द्रस्प) दुष्टगण का विदारण करने हारे जन के [वीर्यम्‌) शूरवीरों में उत्तम बल को (यक्षत्‌) संगत करे तथा (मेषः) उपदेश करने वाला (सरस्वती) विद्यासंबच्धिनी वाणी (मिषक्‌) वैद्य और (र५:) रथ के (न) समान (चन्द्री) बहुत सुवर्ण वाला जन (अश्विनोः) आकाश और पृथिवी के मध्य (वपाः)] क्रियाओं को वा (बदरैः) बेरों के समान (उपवाकाभिः) समीप प्राप्त हुई वाणियों के साथ (भेषजम्‌) औषध को संगत करे, वैसे जो (तोक्ममिः)] सन्‍्तानों के साथ (पयः) दूध (परिखुता) सब ओर से प्राप्त हुए रस के साथ (सोमः] ओषधिगण (घृतम्‌) घी और (मधु) सहत (व्यन्तु) प्राप्त होवें, उनके साथ वर्त्तमान तू (आज्यस्थ) घी का (यज) हवन कर०३९०

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in 4 Vedas  

RIGVEDA                  : Coming Soon                               
SAMVEDA                : Coming Soon

YAJURVEDA             : Coming Soon
ATHARVAVEDA        : Coming Soon

All these References are confirmed by Syed Faqeer Haider himself. If you have any questions or would like to know about any other topic, please let us know in the comment section below or Email us at bawatonishah@gmail.com
JazākAllāh thank you so much for visiting bawatonishah.blogspot.com 
Allah Rabulizzat Aap Ko Hamesha Khush Rakhy Ameen 🙏

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